Legal Notices

This page contains important information affecting all users of this website.

Visatier Ltd is an appointed Master Agent of Canfields Law Limited in respect of immigration matters, whose address is 129 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6HY, England. Canfields Law Limited is registered in England and Wales, Ref no: 10449985. A list of the members of is open to inspection at the registered office. Canfields Law Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority ID 634801.

Canfields Law Limited has achieved the Lexcel Practice Management standard which is only awarded by the Law Society of England and Wales to solicitors who meet high management and customer care standards. Lexcel accredited practices undergo rigorous independent assessment every year to ensure they meet required standards of excellence in areas such as client care, case management and risk management.

No information received from a non solicitor shall be regarded as anything other than general guidance and education on matters of interest not linked to a particular case or individual and not as legal or immigration advice and shall not be relied upon for making any immigration decision.

Visatier Ltd is not authorised or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and does not provide legal services, immigration, tax or investment advice. Any legal or immigration advice on matters referred to on this email must be obtained from solicitors such as those at Canfields Law Limited. Further information about Canfields Law Limited can be found on their website. 

We use the word "team" to include a person who is a director or employee of Canfields Law or a third party service provider who plays an active role in delivering our immigration advice or support services under the overall supervision of solicitors at Canfields Law. By using the services of Visatier Ltd you are accepting these terms.